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Charles Patrick Gibbs If you are interested in supporting this mission please make checks payable to Charles P Gibbs. Send to 2532 Weyburn Way Colorado We are on a mission to return to our land. We need your support. This is a life changing effort. 719. 464.1115. Please except this download as a gift. Lucky SmoothStone. Springs 80922. When I was a child, my Grandmother was always telling us about the last days; Judgement Day. She said our souls had to be right with Jesus or else we would go to hell and be destroyed in the last days. This left quite an impression on me. I began at an early age to seek, to study and feel the real spirit of whom some of us call GOD. I’ve discovered among many other things, that the entity I was taught was GOD - Elohim, unspeakable… and his Son, YAHshua, whom we call Jesus. I have learned that these are Hebrew names. This has made a significant change in my life with my understanding about spirituality, religion and how it is relative to my existence. Through years of research, including family heritage, surname, historical transition and genetics, I have come to realize phenomenality…

The Bible stories I had been reading were about me, we who are called African-Americans: my/our true culture, true history and genetics.  My family is specifically descended of the Hebrew Israelites who were kidnapped from West Africa during the slave trade; Sub – Saharan Jews (Yehudi –“from The Tribe of Judah” Hebrew). We were first indentured slaves in British America, in 1619. We then settled in Jamestown, ending up in Caroline County on the John Gibbs of Scotland’s Plantation. After a life time of indentured service on The Gibbs’ Plantation, owner John Gibbs bought 500 acres of land and along with his bible and other possessions willed this inheritance to my ancestors, his then so-called slaves.  John Gibbs’ niece came from Scotland to claim the land and possessions, legally claiming her uncle had been conned by slaves. Due to much testimony from white friends and associates of John Gibbs, who knew of his relationship with my ancestors, the Court ruled in favor of my ancestors, who are still today under the surname Gibbs. We then relocated to Wilmington, Delaware, where most of us still live.

Do to the miseducation, misclassification and other oppressive tactics, we have been re-classified as indigenous, Black, African- American, Negro and many other titles. None of these titles are supported by a jurisdictional nationalized classification until today. President and Mrs. Michelle Obama have played an integral part in the recognizing the displacement of so called African-Americans. They both, along with their family, made a pilgrimage to Ghana. This experience helped to establish a strong alliance with Ghana for the support of reparation opportunities for the African- American. Listen to this speech by President Obama in Ghana. Ghana has passed a law that African-Americans can receive dual citizenship in Ghana. It’s called the Abode Law. This is considered the Diaspora – the scattered Jews (Yehudi) returning home. This is according to bible prophesy. See the video of President Obama in Ghana at the Cape Coast Dungeons‏ pt 1-2

 We are currently on a pilgrimage to return to our home, landing an effort to establish and support the future of Ghana.

This is your opportunity to contribute to a world-changing event:  the Diaspora - the return of the Hebrew Israelite's through the Gates of No Return, in Ghana.  My E-W2 DNA - E1B1a results confirm my royal ancestry and YAHweh has given me a mission.  We are on a journey to reverse the destruction of true Hebrew Israelite's.

We need to raise funds for our Mission: passports, visas, business establishment and travel. Our gift to you is our wonderful CD celebration of Love, “Ghana The Exodus”. Please download and share your contribution.  Log on and purchase the album.

The promise of YAHweh to The Children of Israel has been a mystery for decades.

Today it is a reality. We have come to know who we are and whose we are, where we are and what we should be doing. It has been discovered that we, the so called African-Americans are the natural and spiritual humanity of YAHweh. This profound discovery has and is being recognized all over the universe.

We have been promised that we would live in houses we did not build; eat from vineyards we did not grow. It is written that we would be welcomed on the Day of Jubilee with open arms, returning to our Homeland and Birthright. We are the sovereignty of YAHweh.

Currently, the doors to The Promised Land have been opened. We, the Children of YAHweh are welcome to enter in and establish citizenship. This is only being offered to the Hebrew Children of Israel from the Americas.

This is the final call. Are you prepared? Is your house in order? It is too late to get ready. You must be mentally, physically and spiritually ready to move, now!

What is it that you have prepared to bring and do to help build The Kingdom?

Your self-examination is vital to your citizenship in The Kingdom. Do you need government or policing for you to maintain a sense of peace and tranquility among your fellow man? Do you have the wisdom and discipline of a righteous man or woman?

Have you dedicated yourself to the development of humanity for the sake of all?

Are you aware of your individual responsibilities in The Kingdom?

Are you prepared to leave now?

Are you authenticated?

The Music

Ghana, the Exodus. This is a compilation of creative works that I have produced over the last 35 years. The first track Thy Kingdom Come is a dynamic expression of the certainty of promises of our Heavenly Father. It expresses. I’ve Got A Place In The Sun.  This is my soul’s gift and gratitude for what Ghana has offered to African Americans.

The Plans for Jubilee.

Lucky SmoothStone’s, “ Ghana, Thy Kingdom Come” -  The Album, The Concert, The Festival.

This production will be the jubilant celebration of the return of the Children of Israel to Ghana.

Recordings, Art, Film, Theater, Live Entertainment, Radio Broadcast and more will be incorporated to express the joy and the victory of The Hebrew Israelite's return home.

These productions and manufacturing activities will serve to raise funds to establish jobs, custom programming, as well as facilities to teach and train in the billion dollar industry of Media and Entertainment.

This entertainment conglomerate will express the ideas, visions, spirituality, gratitude and futures of the Kingdom of YAHweh; Ghana, Africa.

Through creative mediums of Music, The Arts and more, we will share and educate one another about one another: yesterday, today and for the future. This is prophecy and we are the fulfillment of that prophecy.

Charles Patrick Gibbs aka Lucky SmoothStone.

NextStar Audio Visual Productions.

2532 Weyburn Way

Colorado Springs Colorado, 80922

719.4641115  719.634.9617


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